The Importance of Water and the HCG Program....

During the HCG program you are to consume a minimum of ½  and up to 1 gallon of water a day. The illustrations demonstrate how many bottles  and how many times you need to refill just to meet the minimum.

If you fail to take in enough water each day while on the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) Fat Release System, your body thinks that it is entering a period of drought. As a result, your body reacts by storing as much water as possible to get through this drought. This extra, stored water leaves you looking and feeling bloated. As well as stalling your weight loss.

Additionally, water is essential for proper kidney function. If your kidneys are functioning at a sub-optimal level, it demands assistance from your liver. One of the liver’s functions is to metabolize fat. Therefore, when you liver is lending a hand to your kidneys, your fat metabolism process is less efficient, and therefore, less productive.

Bottom Line: Water, water & more water.......

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, we need to take 1/2 to 1 gallon water if we are in hcg diet program. Water helps our kidney functioning properly.

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